Books I’d Like to Re-read

I’m don’t re-read many books, but these few are calling my name. I read all of these in high school and I would love to read them again from an adult perspective. These books hold a special place in my heart that I want to revisit.

Travels with Charley


I adored Travels with Charley in high school. I even pulled my senior quote from it. I’d love to see if it still resonates as deeply with me as it did then. I’m craving the feeling of wanderlust in the middle of a pandemic.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


If I’m going to be honest, I don’t remember a lot about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I remember that I had a lot of fun reading it though. Hopefully, I will enjoy it just as much as I did then.

The Phantom of the Opera


I have watched The Phantom of the Opera a dozen times. I love the play, and I loved the book. It takes me back to a happy part of my life that I’d love to revisit. I have awesome memories surrounding this book.

The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath will always be one of my favorites. I adore John Steinbeck’s work and this is some of his best. I want to read it again as an adult to see if anything new stands out to me.

So those are a few of the books I’d like to reread. I don’t know when I’ll get to them, but I hope to make time for them soon. Do you re-read books? What books are at the top of your re-read list?

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